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Sanctify The Seasons And Holidays By Never Missing An Opportunity To Celebrate With Feast Days

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Winter Activities
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Christmas Family Fun
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All Hallows' Eve
May devotions
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Feast days appear throughout the seasons and holidays are the perfect time to plan family fun. Here is an overview of feast days and ways to celebrate which include decorating, activities, and more.

The bonds that tie one generation to the next are the traditions that have been handed down. The Catholic home should be rich in seasonal traditions. Pass down the holiday traditions of your childhood and embrace some of the previous generations of Catholics' traditions that may have been lost to your family. Making new traditions is good too.

The calendar year starts in January and the Church year starts with Advent. It is fitting, therefore to start this Seasons and Holidays List with Advent and Christmas and end with All Hallows' Eve.


Advent is a time of joyful expectation observed during the weeks leading up to Christmas. Help your family prepare for Christmas with prayer, penance, and meaningful traditions like the Advent wreath and Jesse tree. Preparing your hearts for Christmas is fun!

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St. Nicholas Day December 6th

Prepare your children’s hearts for Christmas by celebrating St Nicholas day. Observing St. Nicholas Day traditions is simple way of spreading out the celebration and emphasizing the sacrificial nature of Advent. Learn how to have a visit from St. Nicholas, get shoe treat ideas, and make plans for a party.

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The Immaculate Conception December 8

Making gingerbread houses and Miraculous Medal crafts plus consecrations to the Immaculate Heart, there are many a material and spiritual custom for Our Lady’s great feast.

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Christmas December 25th

Presenting the infant Jesus to the family crib before bed on Christmas eve, singing carols on Christmas day, surrounding the crib with poinsettias in honor of the first martyr, drinking blessed wine on St. John's day, a visit from the Magi, these activities and more make Christmas a memorable season.

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Robert Burns Day January 25th

A Robert Burns supper has become a part of our seasons and holidays. This is a new tradition for us and we look forward to it eagerly. It has been really fun and culturally enriching to practice songs and poems for this dinner. 

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Valentine's Day February 14th

Simple, fun, and easy card holder kits along with handmade cards make St. Valentines Day a memorable holiday filled with family fun.

Enjoy making Valentine crafts, cards and goodies. The best part is peeking into your card holders to see all the goodies you received. It's wonderful sitting around with your family opening cards and thanking one another for the sweet messages and tasty treats.

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We observe Lent by fasting and penance. A family fun activity is playing a game called "Secret Agent". Each Sunday during Lent, we each draw a family member's name out of a hat. All through the week we do good deeds for that person.

  • We do their chores one day, we make a spiritual bouquet for them.We ask priests to offer a Mass for them.
  • We even give them goodies and try to be more patient with them or take them places with us.

On the following Sunday we try to guess who our "secret agent" was. The children really enjoy this game. It is good for them too because they must work at doing nice things for one of their brothers and sisters or mom and dad.

Giving up something for Lent is  important. We firmly believe in this practice. Saying no to little things is so very helpful in being able to say no to big sins later in life. It's nice to do things like say more prayers or do good works but the real benefit is in the traditional idea of giving something up for Lent.

So yeah! Give up chocolate for Lent!

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St. Patrick's and St. Joseph's Day

St Joseph table

Of course we wear our green on St. Patrick's Day and try and enjoy a festive meal or at least a treat, but what we really like to do is combine St. Patrick's Day and St. Joseph's Day and have a St. Joseph's Day table.

We do this by having a Italian meal sometime between St. Patrick's and St. Joseph's day.

These can be very elaborate or a simple gathering with a family and friends. Sharing and enjoying one another's company is the idea. Another way to truly carry out the tradition of feeding the hungry is to invite a family or someone you wouldn't usually socialize with. This meal may spark a life long friendship!

To add an Irish flair to the St. Joseph's table prepare some Irish entertainment. A sing-a-long, or some performances would be perfect!

May Devotions

This May devotions guide will help you plan and prepare your own May crowning and Marian procession complete with prayers and hymns.

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St. John The Baptist's Nativity-June 24th

Yearning to know how to celebrate the nativity of the precursor of Christ? Discover all the great ways to celebrate in honor of St. John the Baptist.

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St. Anne's Feast Day-June 27th

Do something special for your grandmothers this day. St. Anne is the grandmother of our Lord and this is a nice time to honor Grandma in a special way. This day that lands in between Mother's Day and Father's Day.

Buy her a card, have her up for dinner or simply give her a call. She'll love it.

Month of the Rosary - October 7th

Commemorate the Battle of Lepanto by celebrating the Month of the Rosary. Read about the life of our hero Don John of Austria, history’s crucial battle and Our Lady’s favorite title.

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All Hallows' Eve-October 31st

This year celebrate the true meaning of Halloween by throwing an All Hallows Eve party. Halloween for kids can be unattractive to many families, and rightly so.

A wholesome and beneficial alternative to Halloween is throwing a party party which focuses on the feast of All Saints Day. We have found that it is way more fun than trick or treating and all that scary stuff.

Our children look forward to the this day to kick off the seasons and holidays that children love best: Thanksgiving, Advent and Christmas!

The fall holds lots of great opportunities for family fun such as Hayrides, Cornmaze, Pumpkin patch and Thanksgiving fun. 

Keeping Feast Days And Traditions During Seasons And Holidays 

Feast days in the family is an indispensable part of building up a Catholic culture. Go through the effort of celebrating and observing them throughout the year. 


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