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To the livestream release of a scene from FABIOLA.

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You Are Invited

To the livestream release of a scene from FABIOLA.

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Fabiola : The Timely Tale Of The Catacombs

Currently in pre-production is our 5th film, FABIOLA - a story especially timely as we are surrounded by corruption in our world similar to our early Christian predecessors in third century Rome.

At the present time, we are living in a post-Christian society and we are seeing striking similarities to the pre-Christian society as found in FABIOLA.

Like the Christians in this film, we are called to be a light in a darkened world and bring the flame of truth to those who have wandered so far from it that they don't even know what it is. 

A hunger is all about us for the truth. Many have tried what the world has to offer and have found emptiness. They feel the absence of God and indulge their other senses to dull the pain.

We have the cure for society's illness and it is through the examples of the martyrs that we can provide it. This is comprised of patient example, firmness in our Faith, and a willingness to sacrifice to preserve it. 

The characters found in FABIOLA pave the way and lead exemplary lives with a will to convert the strongest opposition to Christianity, the heathen Roman Empire.

We have just filmed a scene from the full movie and are currently raising funds to build a movement around this glimpse of the film for full funding. 

Our current budget is $1.5 million for the full film. We are currently exploring ways to provide investment opportunities where you will be able to purchase shares of the project and in post-production get a certain percentage of the film's profits.

Remember, we are completely dependent on our fan base for support. We will never go to corrupt Hollywood producers for funds.

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$11,926 Raised

$1,074 Remaining

of $13,000 Pilot Goal


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Which Scene Is About To Be Released?

Fabiola has spent her entire life cultivating her mind to delve deeply into the philosophical trends of her day. After a rather humiliating journey where she learns that all she has theorized about is completely false, she has come at last to what her young cousin Agnes calls "the verge". 

But now her life is about to make a complete turn around when Agnes is suddenly arrested on the charge of Christianity. Startled, Fabiola rushes to the prison to find a rather unexpected sight, Agnes' accuser standing before her and begging for the young girl to take an alternate route and endow him with her wealth by marrying him.

But Fabiola has come to visit her cousin and is not about to let her be led out to execution without a true heart-to-heart—the first real one Fabiola has ever known—before the fatal ax falls.

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What Is The Fabiola Pilot About?

Fabiola has spent her entire life cultivating her mind to delve deeply into the philosophical trends of her day. After a rather humiliating journey where she learns that all she has theorized about is completely false, she has come at last to what her young cousin Agnes calls "the verge". 

But now her life is about to make a complete turn around when Agnes is suddenly arrested on the charge of Christianity. Startled, Fabiola rushes to the prison to find a rather unexpected sight, Agnes' accuser standing before her and begging for the young girl to take an alternate route and endow him with her wealth by marrying him.

But Fabiola has come to visit her cousin and is not about to let her be led out to execution without a true heart-to-heart—the first real one Fabiola has ever known—before the fatal ax falls.

A Little More About The Project

GOAL: Our main objective with sharing a scene from the movie is to impress our audience with the quality of our line delivery, acting, sets, costumes and cinematography.

We are laying the foundation of the storyline to get people to believe in the story in order to fund the entire project. One way or another this scene will be used to fully fund the movie FABIOLA.

APPEAL: FABIOLA is set apart from other films like it because it tells the story through characters as in depth as those conceived by Austen and Dickens but with as much excitement as seen in modern drama films. It's a study of human nature as well as a history of early Church martyrs and we have put much work into researching the FABIOLA characters.

PREVIOUS WORK: FABIOLA comes from the creators of Outlaws of Ravenhurst and three other films, most recently Pelayo. With this being our 5th project, we really feel like it is time to step it up a notch and pursue full funding. Having a full budget will be a new and exciting adventure for Industrious Family Films!

TALENT: The Industrious Family crew has created several film projects and has now been joined by a whole new post-production crew comprised of an award winning colorist Aaron Kessler, the assistant video editor of LifeSiteNews Alejandro Rodriguez, and our returning collaborator Music Forge. Our cast is built with new and experienced actors who we will be personally coaching to bring the best performances to the screen.

CROWDFUNDING: All of our past films have been dependent on our audience's support. We would like to continue to crowdsource, so if anyone who is in a financial position where it is impossible to invest but would still like to contribute any amount between $3 to $499 can still do so here.

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EQUITY INVESTMENT OPTION: If you would like to commit to anything over $500, we will be opening opportunities for an equity investment option. You can fill out this form here if you would like to be notified when opportunities open:

Please note: Filling out the form below is not committing to anything. It is just expressing interest in an equity investment option.

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FABIOLA Movie Progress:

  • Filmed A Scene Of The FABIOLA Movie June 2024
  • Completed full script
  • Two rounds of casting and auditioning
  • Received acting applications from people across the country.
  • Raised $11,926 to film the first scene of the FABIOLA film

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$11,926 Total Raised

Funds To Date Have Been Used For The Following: 

  • Purchasing and Shipping Project Proposals To Potential Donors
  • Subscription To A Video Meeting Service For Auditions And Practices
  • Purchasing Equipment Needed For The Scene
  • Purchasing Costumes For The Scene
  • Building the Prison Set
  • Purchasing Airline Tickets for Actors to get to Set
  • Housing and Accommodating Actors

All The Great Things You're Going To Love Seeing In The Film Fabiola

Fabiola is a mixture of a many beloved films. It is overall heavily influenced by

The timeless 1950's film, Ben-Hur.
The drama from PureFlix's Samson
The influence of Paul, Apostle of Christ 
The camaraderie of the Lord of the Rings
The politics of The Fall of the Roman Empire
The sentiment of Gladiator

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A Little About The Author,
Cardinal Nicholas Patrick Wiseman

A Little About The Author

Cardinal Wiseman was born in Spain in 1802 to Irish emigrants. After his ordination to the priesthood, he would become the president of the English College in Rome. Cardinal Wiseman also became the first Archbishop of Westminster after the Protestant Revolt.

In 1835, he went to England to deliver a course of lectures in London on the teachings of the Catholic Church. His lectures were attended by Protestants and Catholics alike. Cardinal Wiseman made such a deep impression on his non-Catholic hearers that a number of well educated persons whose social position was high were converted to the Faith.

In 1853, Wiseman began to write his most popular book, the historical drama, Fabiola, The Church of the Catacombs. The book was published the following year and its success was immediate and phenomenal. Wiseman wrote Fabiola in part as an answer to the vigorously anti-Catholic book which praised the early pagan era. Fabiola was also intended as a historical and religious aid to Catholics in England.

We feel like the world needs this story for all these reasons still today and that is why we cannot wait to bring this story to life through the modern storytelling medium of film! And with your help, we know we can.

Cardinal Wiseman's  biography taken from The Story Of The Church.

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