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Courage And Conflict: Outlaws of Ravenhurst Highlights A Boy's Bravery In The Face Of Religious Persecution

Available on our family streaming service, Industrious Family Theater

This full length film, Outlaws of Ravenhurst, is written, directed and performed by Catholic children for Catholic children and those who are children at heart.

Introducing Becket Bowen as the Gordon, Jonah Lawrence as Sir Roger, James Phillips as Godfrey, and supported by a cast of first time actors. This movie is full of adventure and fun.

Outlaws Of Ravenhurst takes place in 1641 in the wake of the bloody Protestant Reformation when Catholics in Scotland were denied the right to true worship of God.

It reminds us of our past and encourages us to hope in the future, come what may.

Outlaws of Ravenhurst

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1. Watch Trailer Here!

Outlaws of Ravenhurst is available on DVD as well as on Industrious Family Theater.

2. What Others Are Saying About Outlaws of Ravenhust

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Audience Reviews

Click on the links below to read more Outlaws of Ravenhurst movie reviews. They were all written by other Industrious Family Films Fans.

The Greatness Of The Eucharist An Outlaws Movie Review 
We used movie night to watch one of the best we have seen. We watched Outlaws of Ravenhurst ! It was super enjoyable. We especially enjoyed the writing...It …

Outlaws of Ravenhurst Review: Exhilarating and Victorious! 
A year or two ago, our family enjoyed your Outlaws of Ravenhurst very much. Me? I used to live near the Abell, Maryland area and identified so much …

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3. Making Outlaws of Ravenhurst

Making Outlaws of RavenhurstMary filming Outlaws of Ravenhurst with our first camera

In 2012 I watched Navis Pictures The War of The Vandee. I was fascinated that it was possible to create movies with a cast of children.

Not only fascinated, I was inspired.

A short while after that, my three brothers, my sister and I pooled money together to buy a Canon Camcorder.

This was just the beginning of our movie making endeavors. It was actually my mom who encouraged us to make a full length film with the homeschoolers. I remember that my dad had read a book that just sat on the shelf. As a little kid I remember looking at the pictures but was never very interested in the story or ever wanted to read it. My dad told us it was a good story and told me I should read it. I think I was 12.

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This Fantastic Book Should Be A Movie

It was so full of adventure and fun!

Then my sister, Faustina, read the book. We could not help talking about it. We were children and "had been to Scotland", seen drama, and had to tell each other about it over and over again! (In fact, we still do that with the books we have read!)

At night we would do the same thing with Dad until Mom announced that she was missing out on something and had to read the book. As soon as she was through she said it had to be a movie.

With that idea in my head, I reread the book five times. I can see it now, from where I sit, it has been read so many times the cover is gone. The cover which had Angus, in surplice and kilt defending the Blessed Sacrament, his King and God. The spine of the book has long since disappeared I can hardly remember what it looked like except the glorious title-Outlaws of Ravehurst.

Script Writing Wasn't Exactly A Piece Of Cake

Script on Final Draft Software

I was so excited, I got to work right away on the script. I spent many months on the work.

Alas! I was just rounding the climax when the Gordon finds poor James locked under the castle, when the computer crashed. I was devastated! I was so close! If only we could save all the work I had put into that script!

But no, it was all gone...We could only save it if we put several hundreds of dollars to extract files from the dead computer.

I was so disappointed that I would not approach the project for three years. (Dad was disappointed too. He lost all his music.)

Three or four years later, Faustina took up the project where I left off. She faithfully copied the spineless book into a gorgeous screen play. It took her a full year to complete it. Mom read the script out loud, Jim Morlino read it, Fr. Pentergraft read it and after some edits, it was perfect!

The "Competent Adults"--Outlaws of Ravenhurst Script Consultants

Fr. Pentergraft FSSP
Jim Morlino
Matt & Kathleen Bowen
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The Embodiment Of A Dream: Actually Making Outlaws Of Ravenhurst

Director Mary Bowen reviewing the script with the actors for the Mass scene

First, we needed to find some actors. Next we realized that we were going to need to do some serious fundraising. Then came the actual fun and work of making the movie.

On August 5, 2017 the big day came. We casted 22 children to act in Outlaws of Ravenhurst. What a moment! To get everyone warmed up, I recited the poem My Hoggie by Robert Burns for all the kids to get in the Scottish mood.

We gave all the children a line from popular movies and had them repeat the lines in different emotions: sad, angry, surprised.

No one was shy or embarrassed during the auditions. As soon as each actor was done with their audition, we measured them for their costumes! The age range of the cast was from 45 years to 4 months.

In September, I put together a pledge drive for the Earl's Room. I wanted this particular set to look impressive so our budget was $700. I especially wanted a certain picture of Our Lady. I saw it on Art.com and just had to have it in the movie. It was $200.

In Outlaws Of Ravenhurst, the painting of Our Lady would play a special part in stressing a child’s faith in the influence of Our Blessed Mother before the throne of her Son.

I made the pledge drive fun by having The Virgin Annunciate painting gifted to the largest donor to the pledge drive! Money poured in from all directions, and I am glad to say, we passed our goal by $100.

Time For Heavy Lifting: Shooting Scenes

Editing Outlaws of Ravenhurst

Our first shoot day was in August of 2017. Our last shoot was in June 2018. We premiered Outlaws of Ravenhurst on July 21, 2018. After we finished the first 30 minutes of movie we showed it to the actors and families in January. The day after this mini premiere, Fr. Stephan got busy and had to bow out of the movie.

I replaced him with a new actor. I also moved the original Sir Roger to Muckle John and pulled in a new actor to be Roger. Then the actress for Lady Margaret could not make it to shoots any more. I had no one to fill this position with so I jumped in and starred in my own movie.

The tough scenes that needed to be shot several times were the coach scene (shot 3 times), the scene with Lady Margaret and the Gordon in the Earl's Room (shot 4 times) and the tunnel scene (shot 3 times).

It felt so good drawing towards the end of shooting and having actors one at a time being done forever. It was really great when the first of the three main characters, Godfrey, was done. 

Moms contributed to catering at the shoots. I don't think there was ever so much healthy food at a children's project event!

A Work In Progress: Editing Outlaws Of Ravenhurst

I edited the movie as we filmed. In the afternoon and late into the night I would organize the footage, select the correct sound and put it all together.

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4. Outlaws Of Ravenhurst Premiere

Jim Morlino gives his speech on the importance of reclaiming Christian art. On the right, left to right: Mary and Faustina Bowen, James Phillips and Michael Bowen.

The premiere was a smashing hit! Noz Kasteel was a perfect venue, and we were honored to have Mr. and Mrs. Noz in attendance. Jim Morlino flew from Connecticut to be at the premiere.

The premiere included classy concessions, a directing Q&A, a hugely successful silent auction. Our evening's highlight was meeting and hearing Mr. Jim Morlino's speech about the importance of reclaiming the culture through the arts.

The movie was very awesome as well. The actors sat in the front row and were thrilled to see themselves on the big screen.

After minor technical difficulties and many desperate prayers the movie turned out great and got rave reviews!

Outlaws of Ravenhurst PremiereMr. Jim Morlino in stocks

The party was over around 9 but we got home around 11. We stayed up until 1:00 am counting how much money the premiere made, talking to Mr. Morlino and continuing the celebration.

The premiere made $1,500 which was a happy start for Max & Carlota

I'd like to thank everyone who came out to our big premiere! All the work was nothing compared to the joy we felt in sharing this very special evening with you.

5. Meet the Outlaws of Ravenhurst Cast

Meet the actors and three personal interviewed answers from each.

Becket Bowen - Gordon

Becket Bowen as The Gordon

What I liked the most about acting was going to locations and meeting new people that I have gotten to know very well.

The hardest part about acting is the lines, lots and lots of lines.

Traits that I like about my character is how he is headstrong and stubborn about his faith and just sticks to it without trying anything new.

Jonah Lawrence - Sir Roger

Jonah Lawrence as Sir Roger

My favorite part about acting was being able to be someone else. To be that person for just that day. Trying to be the best kind of person that you are acting as.

The things that I liked least about acting was wearing the kilt. Obviously no one likes remembering their lines and the long shoot days but it is the price you pay.

I like how Sir Roger was a very assertive man who was there, said what he said and was blunt about it. He got to yell. I like to yell.

James Phillips - Godfrey

James Phillips as Godfrey

What I liked most about acting was seeing my friends.

The hardest part about acting is memorizing the scripts.

I like my character's attitude and his plan.

Michael Bowen - James Gordon

Michael Bowen as Sir James

My favorite thing about acting is dressing up and getting a chance to hang out and goof off with my friends.

I do not like having to memorize my lines.

My favorite scene was the ocean scene in the end because I got to go to Monterey Bay.

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Elijah Netniss - Fr. Stephen Douglas

Elijah Netniss as Father Stephen

The things that I like the most about acting is seeing myself in the movie and being a part of the movie.

The hardest part about acting is when you mess up and have to redo lines and scenes.

I like how my character is a priest and how he climbs in the fireplace.

Frank Lawrence - John Abell

Frank Lawrence as John Abell

What I liked the most about acting was having fun hanging out with friends and going to the different set locations.

For me, the hardest part about acting was watching myself in the footage later.

Some traits that I like about my character is that he is a commanding father and his children obey him.

Thomas Erskine - Joel Abell

Thomas Erskine as Joel Abell

My favorite part of acting in this movie was being with friends.

The hardest thing about acting was remembering how to say my lines.

I really like how my character, Joel, prayed a lot.

Paul Barron - Edwin

Paul Barron as Edwin

I really enjoyed acting and being introduced to other people.

The hardest part about acting was just standing with your feet in the same place between cut and action.

I like how Edwin had all the inside information and knew what was going on when he was thought to be fooled.

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Kaitlyn Valdez - Betsy

Kaitlyn Valdez as Betsy

The idea of being able to bring joy to people by being another person in their favorite story has always appealed to me. I love everything about it, always have, always will.

The hardest part about acting was memorizing the lines.

I liked how even though she could have lost her job, Betsy told The Gordon about his mom.

Luke Cavanaugh - Young James

Luke Cavanaugh as Young James

I like that I can pretend that I am someone else in a different time period.

The hardest part about acting is remembering my lines and acting them out.

I like that Jamie becomes an Earl of Ravenhurst.

Matthew Anderson - Young Stephen

Matthew Anderson as Young Stephen

What I liked best about acting was getting to go to Castle Noz.

The hardest part about acting is having to repeat lines over and over.

I like that Stephen got to become a priest.

Clare Anderson - Young Margaret

Clare Anderson as Young Margaret

What I liked the most about acting was when I got to go on the roof of Castle Noz. I liked seeing my friends every time I acted.

The hardest part about acting was standing for an hour.

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Declan Bowen - Young Roger

Declan Bowen as Young Roger

I liked being able to put on a cool costume and being filmed.

I did not have very many lines but they were hard to memorize.

Roger was a little wimp but he got to go to Castle Noz and hiding from Bertrand under the table.

Grace O'Brien - Noble #1

Grace O'Brien as Noble #1

I liked speaking. I also liked the good guys and the bad guys and watching the fight at the mass.

The hardest part was trying to get it just loud enough, but not too loud.

My favorite shoot location was the castle!

Emiliano Oliva - Davie

Emiliano Oliva as Davie

My favorite part about being in the movie was being with my friends

I did not like redoing the scenes multiple times. I liked the Castle Noz.

Casting Call!

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