Did you know that in the good old days, a mom and dad could give their kids a dollar and they could safely walk to the theater on Friday night and watch a good movie? Can you imagine not having anxiety about the film's content? More and more often we see so much corruption, vice and agendas becoming the norm in Hollywood narratives that nothing is safe to watch.
Catholics want to watch movies that we can connect and relate to - stories about us, who we are, our past and our heroes. Families should be able to sit down together and enjoy these movies with zero worries and without compromising our virtues. Industrious Family Films shares good stories that are always entertaining, deeply moving and never preachy - reclaiming the art of filmmaking one wholesome movie at a time.
Speaking of our heroes, we are currently working on a full budget film called FABIOLA. This movie weaves the inspiring stories of the early Church martyrs and how their sacrifice and influence watered the next generation during the decline of the world's greatest civilization. This fantastic story resonates with audiences as we can draw hope from this uplifting tale during a time that is looking very similar to the movie's setting.
With a humorous, thought-provoking and inspiring script, the early Church heroes Sebastian, Agnes and Tarsisius come to the screen like never before as they strive to win Rome's hardest heart to the true faith.
If you want to change the movie industry for the better, now is your chance to be a film producer! When you invest in FABIOLA, you own part of the movie and are helping produce a wholesome Catholic film. Crowdfund this film with your contribution or own FABIOLA when you invest.
We are collecting movies like FABIOLA and are streaming them on our family streaming service, Industrious Family Theater. As a Catholic filmmaking company, Industrious Family has met several other independent Catholic filmmakers during its years of moviemaking and is now partnering with these studios to bring you independent Catholic films to stream! Stream authentically Catholic full-length movies, short films, and more all in one place!
Learn More About Industrious Family Theater A Family Streaming Service!
And we need more wholesome movies, a lot more! If you ever wanted to make movies, now is your chance! Whether you need a refresher course or have no idea where to start, we want to help you every step of the way!
We have written a 16 lesson e-course for beginner filmmakers called the Movie Production Guide. This guide takes you step by step through pre-production, production and post-production so you can start your own movie project. Learn how to:
Once post-production is complete, we teach you how to celebrate your project with a premiere and give distribution ideas.
Get Our Movie Production Guide E-Course
Another great, hands-on course is our acting class! Optimize acting techniques and better develop your film performances, give better speeches or learn how to coach on set. Join the fun with this authentically Catholic online acting class.
Industrious Family Film's DVD copies are perfect for family fun movie nights where you can sit back, relax and enjoy morally good entertainment.
Industrious Family Film's DVD copies are perfect for family fun movie nights where you can sit back, relax and enjoy morally good entertainment.
Outlaws of Ravenhurst is based on the beloved novel by Sr. M. Imelda Wallace. This full length movie shows the courage of a 10-year-old boy during the bloody Protestant Revolt in Scotland. This beloved story reminds us of our past and encourages us to hope in the future, come what may.
Grisly Grisell is inspired by A Tale of The Wars of The Roses by Charlotte Yonge, one of our favorite authors. This feature-length movie teaches us that beauty is more than skin deep, highlighting that nothing is more attractive than a virtuous soul.
Max & Carlota tells the story of the tragic end of Maximillian von Hapsburg and the 2nd Mexican Empire. This 20 minute film retells a forgotten page of our Catholic history.
Pelayo is an 8 minute short about the valiant battle fought between the Moors and Visigoths when Pelagius of Asturias defended Christendom against great odds.
This unique selection of movie merch and other gifts inspired by Catholic heroes are great meaningful gift ideas for any occasion. Shop t-shirts, mugs, movies, or browse according to type, theme, devotion and more!
This gift line frequently features Catholic saints and heroes to inspire givers and receivers. Give authentic Catholic gifts now.
Catholic filmmakers, investors, actors and producers! The Industrious Family Film Festival is hosted for the likes of you. Our film festivals provide opportunities for you to submit your films, get constructive criticism on your projects, and watch other independent movies!
Do none of these descriptions fit you but you still love seeing independent Catholic films? Please join us! You will love seeing all of the Catholic content submitted to this festival!
Learn more about the upcoming Industrious Family Film Festival!
Our rich Catholic faith gives us many means and reasons to celebrate. The stories about both historic heroes as well our ancestors in the faith-the saints-gives us a sense of connection with the past and knowing these stories is vital to keeping together as a culture.
Celebrate the Catholic holidays all throughout the year including:
Our rich Catholic faith gives us many means and reasons to celebrate. The stories about both historic heroes as well our ancestors in the faith-the saints-gives us a sense of connection with the past and knowing these stories is vital to keeping together as a culture.
Celebrate the Catholic holidays all throughout the year including:
Christmas - Celebrate Christ's coming at Christmas with significant traditions and maybe a Christmas movie or two!
Easter - Keep the real focus of the season on Christ with many Catholic Easter traditions. Plus watch a few good religious Easter movies!
Feeding The Family - Pass on nourishing traditions by serving healthy feasts. Eat a diet that boosts attention spans, curbs learning disabilities and creates healthy smiles so you can keep on celebrating through the year! Not only does eating like our ancestors connect us to our history, but it is also a way to preserve our culture.
Fun Party Themes - Need a theme for upcoming birthdays? We've got you covered with themes for all ages, boys and girls, and even a few grown-up party ideas!
Fun Things To Do - Enjoy time spent as a family whether you are working or playing. As Mary Poppins says, "In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun". Find the fun in your next family project!
Movie Reviews - Watch family fun movies knowing that it is safe to watch before you start watching!
Romantic Movies - You probably haven't seen a good romance in a while. This list of innocent romances includes the long lost good ones like Ivanhoe and Jane Eyre. Since St. Valentine is the patron of lovers, we could not help but throw in some ways of celebrating his feast day with the whole family in this section.
Tea Party - Bridge the gap between generations, encourage a slow childhood and have a relaxing afternoon with tea parties across several themes.
All Hallows' Eve - Bring the saints to your Halloween celebration when you celebrate All Hallows' Eve with Catholic Halloween customs.
Stay in the loop by subscribing to The Journal, Industrious Family Film's newsletter, with insider information about movies, project updates, new releases, showings and more. Sign up is free and we will never share your information with anyone else. Another fun way to stay up to date with our filmmaking is to sign up for our RSS and bookmark this page. This RSS will let you know as soon as we post anything to our blog. Follow us on your favorite social media for daily updates!
#RebuildChristianArt Blog serves as a fun resource where families are encouraged to embrace Christian art and culture. Read about beautiful films, music, novels, food and customs that help reconstruct the social fabric.
This website and our studio is currently supported by sponsorships and ad placements on this site. Any money made through crowdfunding and investments goes directly to supporting our current film. Please support our sponsors and if you are looking for a place to get your Catholic business out there, consider sponsoring industriousfamily.com
Enjoy your visit and come back often. We are always building new pages and creating new movies. See you around!
"Hey, hey, Holy-wood, here we come!"
By becoming an Industrious Family Films Sponsor you directly support the movement which is rebuilding Christian art.
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Feb 05, 25 11:57 AM
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