Have you enjoyed the first scene from the FABIOLA movie and want to dig a little deeper? Then we have just the thing for you! Please enjoy this FABIOLA Pilot photo gallery to get behind the scenes of just one of many Fabiola scenes.
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What a fun movie shoot week! The entire scene was shot in just two shoot days, but the fun was stretched through an entire week since everyone on set was flying in from far away.
Before picking up the actors at the airport, Mary, Faustina, Becket, and Patrick met the FABIOLA script theological consultant for breakfast. The team has known him over the years through the internet but really enjoyed meeting him in person at last.
After breakfast, the group headed over to the airport to pick up Lovey, Aidan, and Laura Ruth. It was great meeting them in real life after having only met them so many times on Skype. On the return trip home, there was a small tire issue but Becket and Patrick saved the day.
The rest of the family, Kate, her dad, Nathan Fuerstenau (actor) and Sam Nicholes (actor) met up with the others for dinner in the park. Producers Matt and Kathleen got the dinner ready while the young folks played croquet.
The following day, the actors voted to walk a 5 mile hike. It was a little strenuous for some in the group but everyone left with a few stories to tell and maybe a sunburn or two.
A total of 8 ticks were found crawling on several members of the group.
Afterwards the party headed over to the Airbnb on the river. Patrick got out a few speakers and plugged in the electric guitar. Aidan and Sam played the piano in the frontroom.
The rest of the cast and crew played pool, card games and crocheted.
With everyone together for the first time and after a fun day where everyone got to get used to each other, we cleared out the living room and did the first dry run.
After dinner the actors ran through the scene. Lovey, Aidan and Kate had practiced the lines over Skype many times but this time they were able to incorporate their placements and movements. It was good to get this ironed out so that precious set time was not wasted.
The next day the team hit the set location for filming! The morning process began with costuming and make-uping the 5 actors.
Kathleen Bowen has come up with a pretty streamline application process for hair and makeup (HMU) but it still takes a really long time to HMU everyone.
For the Fabiola Prison scene, Kathleen did all the makeup and the creative director, Mary, did Lovey Maher's hair. The team has realized that HMU takes quite a bit of time. For every page of script an hour of filming should be allotted. But it takes at least three hours to film a single page due to HMU.
Homeschoolers, does this remind you of one of those mental math problems from Saxon math? If it takes three hours to film one page of script and an additional half hour per additional page, how many hours does it take to film a 5 page scene?
This formula has worked pretty well for Industrious Family Film's call sheets. This time, however, they realized that they should have had Lovey in HMU two hours before the other actors and the rest of the crew arrived. This would have been complicated in some ways because the cast and crew were all carpooling and transportation to and from the set was another schedule that had to be considered.
If you are a beginning filmmaker you can learn all about the filming process in our comprehensive movie making e-course. This is a course that takes you through the entire process of making a movie as you progress at your own pace. Unlike our Constitution, it is a living, breathing document and we are updating it as we discover better ways of making movies.
Once that process was done the team moved the action to the set. Everyone performed a few run throughs just to get the kinks out.
Then filming started.
St. Agnes’ close shots were filmed first. Kate (Agnes) led the scene very well, though this part took longer than expected.
The cast and crew took a lunch break after Agnes' close shots. The shooting resumed after lunch with Aidan's and Lovey's close shots. This was a meticulous process with perfection being sought in every shot. The lights needed a little bit of adjusting, but for the most part they were already set up.
Kathleen and Laura monitored the acting while everyone else enjoyed watching. The entire crew was rather relieved that two days were planned for shooting because by the end of the shoot it was obvious that this scene was going to need a few more shots.
After the film day was complete, the cast and crew regrouped at Yurtopia. There the nature trail was enjoyed and dinner was prepared. Sam led everyone in a few dances, and Mr. Witkemper generously bought the whole group ice cream. The older people enjoyed the camp fire and cigars into the night while the younger people star tipped.
Mary asked Lovey (Fabiola) after the shoot if she was expecting it to be so much work. She happily replied that she was having a lot of fun and was really enjoying herself. The other actors expressed as much.
The next morning found cast and crew back at it. Once again, costuming and make-uping began the day before moving onto set to finish filming the scene. This day was practically a repeat of the previous day, this time focusing on Lovey's (Fabiola) and Aidan's (Fulvius) close-ups.
After the second shoot day, Sam and Laura interviewed the actors.
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Feb 05, 25 11:57 AM
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