More behind the scenes of Grisly Grisell

by Abbey E
(Tracy, Ca)

I've had many people from Church ask about the behind-the-scenes of Grisly Grisell and how it worked. Maybe you can write up something getting more in-depth about that. Just an idea! I can't wait to see Pelayo when it's done!

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Jul 15, 2022
Actress Abbey E. Reminisces on Grisly Grisell
by: Mary Bowen

I just got a great idea!

Could you write a short page on your experience with acting in Grisly Grisell?

Comment on your favorite scene, a funny moment in the movie making, compliment somebody that you enjoyed acting with, your favorite part of a shoot day...etc.

Maybe spend a little time evaluating the character of Grisell and how you tried to make certain traits shine through your acting.

I think that would make an interesting article for our audiences. It does not need to be very long...about 200-400 words.


Jul 15, 2022
Webpage Containing Actors, Shoot Days, Costumes and More
by: Mary Bowen

Hello Abbey!

Please direct your friends to the bottom part of this page: We cover actors, locations, sets, costumes and the premiere toward the bottom.

We are coming down your direction hopefully toward the end of September. I will be contacting Father to iron out details very soon.

I hope to start editing Pelayo soon! I have been burning Grisly Grisell DVDs! I will be shipping them out very soon!

So good to hear from you! I can't wait to see you in the Fall!
-Mary Bowen

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