Gathering Your Own Herbs For Seasoning

by DaMama

Oregano and Sage

Oregano and Sage

Gathering your own herbs is easy. The two herbs that we have that are prolific and we use to season a lot of foods are oregano and sage.

    1. In the spring before the flowers form, gather the leaves. Do this when it is dry and cool.
    2. Put the leaves into paper bags.
    3. Fold the opening of the paper bag over then hang the bags in a dry, well-ventilated shed. We use a clothes line and clothes pins.
    4. Shake the bags everyday until the leaves are completely dry. I leave them on the line in the shed until about August.
    5. Remove leaves from bags. Take any stems off, crush and put them into glass jars.

We use oregano with beef and sage with white meats like chicken and pork.

Some years we plant other herbs but the sage and oregano are always abundant. Two others that are easy to grow and we use in our kitchen are thyme and parsley.

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