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How To Use Green Screen In iMovie

Video Transcript: One final thing that I want to show you in iMovie is how to use a green screen. This is very important especially if you're making homemade movies as this will be a game changer.

I have all my files up here as usual and I'm going to drag my green screen image to the timeline. As you can see it is defaulted to have a Ken Burns effect so I'm just going to take that feature off.

I'm going to crop it in just a little bit to try to get rid of some of the editor back ground. I'm not too worried about having white space because I'm going to cut it out in a minute.

I'm just going to start by making the image more lined up. I am going to line the girl's nose right in the middle so that is kind of roughly ready.

I'm going to take my background and I'm going to set it in the same timeline and, same thing, it's automatically set to be Ken Burns. Your green screen clip needs to be on top so just try to remember just the green part is on top.

Now up here I will have an option to click the green screen and then it's going to automatically take the green part out. Now I can do some cleaning up of the background so I'm going take that chunk out of there and I can bring it all the way as close I can to the object.

Now if you look up here you see a little bit of the shadow from the shade when I took the picture so I'll change tools to this little eraser and I'll click it and it will automatically sort that part out and it looks pretty clean in all the other spots.

Click around and make sure no other shadows are hiding and this looks pretty good. You can tell she's not quite on the background so just keep tinkering with the set up until looks more realistic.

Okay she looks pretty good so I'm going to export this as an image and you can do the same thing with videos but this is an image so I'm going to export it as a file.

Don't forget to name it.

I'm going to put in downloads and then save and that's just the simplest way on how to use a green screen in iMovie.

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